首页 理论教育 逐渐贬值政策无甚意义


时间:2023-11-18 理论教育 版权反馈



“Of course,the real difficulty does not lie in the fact that a progressive diminution of the value of money must soon reach amounts so small that they would no longer meet the requirements of commerce.Since the decimal systemof calculation is customary in the majority of the presentday monetary systems,even the more stupid sections of the public would find no difficulty in the new reckoning when a systemof higher units was adopted.We could quite easily imagine amonetary systemin which the value ofmoney was constantly falling at the same proportionate rate.Let us assume that the purchasing power of this money,...sinks in the course of a year by one hundredth of its amount at the beginning of the year.The levels of the value of the money at each New Year then constitute a diminishing geometrical series.If we put the value of the money at the beginning of the first year as equivalent to 100,then the ratio of diminution is equivalent to 0.99,and the value ofmoney at the end of the year is equivalent to 100×0.99n-1...”[18]



[1]关于安定的意义,可参阅J.Fisher,Stabilized Money,pp.1-2.第一种安定意义虽然是说本位币所含金属是否合法,但寻常亦多就纸币的兑现而言。此种安定,即是指纸币与本位币相互兑换,不发生差异。在一般情形之下,纸币1单位兑不到金币1单位,那就是纸币价值不安定。但在特殊情况之下,纸币价值亦有超过金币的。1916年2月8日瑞典中央银行(Riksbank)请求政府停止该银行条例第十条所规定对于人民提交造币局纯金1公斤(Kilogram)兑换2480克乐那(Kronor铸币费为14%)之办法。自此以后,瑞典纸币遂高于现金价值。参阅Cassle,Money and Foreign Exchanges after 1914,pp.79-80.

[2]Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System,recommending CongressionalStudy of Money Measures and Objectives,published its statements in the Federal Reserve Bulletin,May,1939,p.363.

[3]参阅Purchasing Power of Money,revised edition,Appendix.

[4]关于商业循环问题,可参阅Mitchell,Trade Cycle:the Problemand its Setting;Bellerby,Monetary Stability,pp.6-7;Jack,Currency and Banking,p.179.关于19世纪以来物价变动情形,可参阅Layton,Introduction to the Study of Prices.

[5]关于强迫储蓄问题,经济学家的解释各有不同。他们多半以膨胀通货或扩张信用,使消费者不得不节约消费而达到投资增加的目的,为强迫储蓄。实际上,在个人并无所谓储蓄。参阅Hayek,An Note on the Development of the Doctrine of Forced Saving in the Qnarterly Journal of Economics.Nov.1932.

[6]参阅High Price of Bullion in the Ricardo's Economics Essays与Bullion Report.


[8]关于币值变动的影响,可参阅Keynes,Monetary Reform.

[9]关于安内与安外之问题,可参阅D.T.Jack,Currency and Banking,Chap XIV,Monetary Reconstruction.又赵兰坪先生《论汇价与购买力平价》,载在中央银行经济研究处民国二十九年二月十六日《经济汇报》第1卷第8期。


[11]G.Cassel,Post-war Monetary Stabilization,p.46.

[12]Sir Henry Strakosch,Economic Conseqnences of Changes in the Value of Gold,in the Selected Documents,by Gold Delegation,p.22.

[13]Royal Institute of International Affairs,The Future of Monetary Policy,pp.195-197.

[14]Woodward and Rose,The Primer of Money,pp.159-160.

[15]Keynes,Monetary Reform,p.40.

[16]Keynes,Treatise on Money,Vol.Ⅱ,p.303.

[17]Keynes,Treatise on Money,Vol.Ⅱ,p.393-394.

[18]Mises,Theory of Money and Credit,p.225.

[19]Wicksell,Interest and Prices,p.3.

