前章所述两种政策,其目的在于维持现金准备,而不在于维持币值。在欧战以前,中央银行对于国外物价的涨落,并无何等责任。直到1922年热内亚会议(Genoa Conference)议决许多条文,其中才有中央银行应负此项责任之一条。
“Till recent years the responsibility of the central banks for fluctuations in the value of gold was hardly recognised.The regulation of the value of gold in terms of other forms of wealth was not included in the art of central banking,because gold was believed to supply an independent standard of value.The Genoa Resolutions of 1922 mark an epoch in the evolution of the art,in that for the first time they establish the responsibility of the central banks for the value of gold.”[1]