1914年,欧战开始以后,直到1931年,世界黄金产额才逐渐恢复战前的状况(参观第二篇第二章第八节世界产金数量统计)。在战争进行之中,大家无暇考虑此项问题。到了和平协约,经济学家一翻历年的统计,觉得黄金储量殆尽,于是黄金的恐慌(Gold scare)发生。节省黄金用途的呼声乃到处听到。国际联盟财政金融组织在1922年召集各国专家,在热内亚开会,讨论结果,作成议决案,报告大会。决议内容,首先承认欧洲各国货币应有一个共通的本位,而此本位非黄金莫属。欲安定黄金价值,必须使各国竞求黄金的政策有所改变。他们建议,劝各国仿照支票清算制度,使国际间金融往来用差额结算办法,可以节省黄金用途。例如金汇兑本位制度,就是此中方法之一。
Resolution 4.
“It is desirable thatall European currencies should based upon a common standard.”Resolution 5.
“Gold is the only common standard which all European countries could at present agree to adopt.”Resolution 9.
“...The purpose of the Convention would be to centralise and co 9rdinate the demand for gold,and so to avoid those wide fluctuations in the purchasing power of gold,which might otherwise result fromthe simultaneous and competitive efforts of a number of countries to secure metallic reserves.The Convention should embody some means of economising the use of gold bymaintaining reserves in the formof balances,for example,as the gold exchange standard,or an international clearing system.”
International Short TermIndebtedness
At the end of 1930 70 000 million Sw.frcs.
At the end of 1931 45 000 million Sw.frcs.
At the end of 1932 39 000 million Sw.frcs.
At the end of 1933 32 000 million Sw.frcs.
At the end of 1934 29 000—30 000 million Sw.frcs.