不能说我们对爱的认识,就像是在某一久远的时候,某一特别的地方,认识一位截然陌生的人一样,是突然开始的。我们生活在人类大家庭里,在孩童时期,由于依赖着爱自己的人而知道爱。在青年时期,因为拥有自己所爱的人而认识爱。在人生的不同阶段,通过挫折和失败而懂得爱。在孩童时期,我们因接受给予而快乐,这是最初感受的爱。在青年时期,我们索取和给予,奉献和占有,这是悲喜交加的爱。等到为人父母,心甘情愿地给儿女做奉献,这是不求回报的爱。(芙瑞雅·史塔克)Who can say in what remoteness of time, in what difference of earthly shape, love first come to us as a stranger in the jungle? We, in our human family, know him through dependence in childhood, through possession in youth, through sorrow and loss in their season. In childhood we are happy to receive; it is the first opening of love. In youth we take and give, dedicate and possess—rapture and anguish are mingled, until parenthood brings a dedication that, to be happy, must ask for no return. (Freya Stark)
Happiness consists in Love