首页 理论教育 【修,齐,治,平】


时间:2023-01-10 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:_国学经典入门:四书五经古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家; 欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;欲正其心者,先诚其意;欲诚其意者,先致其知;致知在格物。The ancients, who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first brought order to their states. Wishing to bring their states, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated themselves. Wishing to cultivate themselves, they first rectified their minds. Wishing to rectify their minds, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.

古之欲明明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家; 欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;欲正其心者,先诚其意;欲诚其意者,先致其知;致知在格物。





The ancients, who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first brought order to their states. Wishing to bring their states, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated themselves. Wishing to cultivate themselves, they first rectified their minds. Wishing to rectify their minds, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.

