【摘要】:所谓仁,是指人的天性,这其中以亲爱自己的亲人为最重要。所谓义,是指应当做的事情,这其中以尊敬贤者为最重要。亲爱亲人而有远近之分,尊敬贤者而区分贵贱等级,礼就是这样产生的。Humanity means to love people,and the great humanity is to love one’s own relatives. Rightness means to treat things properly, and the great rightness is to honor wise and virtuous persons. To love one’s relatives, a man should take their relation to himself into consideration; to value wise and virtuous persons, he should take their rank into consideration. These give rise to the rites.
仁者,人也,亲亲为大。义者,宜也,尊贤为大。亲亲之杀, 尊贤之等,礼所生也。
Humanity means to love people,and the great humanity is to love one’s own relatives. Rightness means to treat things properly, and the great rightness is to honor wise and virtuous persons. To love one’s relatives, a man should take their relation to himself into consideration; to value wise and virtuous persons, he should take their rank into consideration. These give rise to the rites.