【摘要】:_国学经典入门:四书五经天下之达道五,所以行之者三,曰:君臣也,父子也,夫妇也,昆弟也,朋友之交也。知、仁、勇三者,天下之达德也,所以行之者一也。这五种, 是天下的常行之道。智慧、仁德、勇敢这三项,是天下的通行之德,都一样用来实现五种常行之道。There are five universal ways, and the way by which they are practiced is three. The five are the relationships between ruler and minister, between father and son, between husband and wife, between elder and younger brothers, and between friends. These five are universal ways in the world. Wisdom, humanity, and courage, these are the universal virtues. The way by which they are practiced is one.
天下常行的道有五种,用来实行的德性有三项。就是:君臣之道,父子之道,夫妇之道,兄弟之道,朋友交往之道。这五种, 是天下的常行之道。智慧、仁德、勇敢这三项,是天下的通行之德,都一样用来实现五种常行之道。
There are five universal ways, and the way by which they are practiced is three. The five are the relationships between ruler and minister, between father and son, between husband and wife, between elder and younger brothers, and between friends. These five are universal ways in the world. Wisdom, humanity, and courage, these are the universal virtues. The way by which they are practiced is one.