只有心地纯然无杂的圣人,才能充分圆满地实现自己的本性;能充分圆满地实现自己的本性,就能充分圆满地实现他人的本性;能充分圆满地实现他人的本性,就能充分圆满地实现万物的本性;能充分圆满实现万物的本性,就可以辅助天地万物的生长流行;可以辅助天地万物的生长流行, 就可以成为天地生长出来的“第三者”,与天地有同样的地位。
Only those who are absolutely sincere can fully develop their nature. If they can fully develop their nature, then they can fully develop the nature of others. If they can fully develop the nature of others, then they can fully develop the natures of all things on earth. If they can fully develop the nature of all things on earth, they can assist in the transforming and nourishing process of Heaven and Earth. If they can assist in the transforming and nourishing process of Heaven and Earth, they may with Heaven and Earth form a ternion.