首页 理论教育 【平治天下】


时间:2023-01-10 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:离娄之明、公输子之巧,不以规矩,不能成方员①;师旷之聪, 不以六律,不能正五音;尧舜之道,不以仁政,不能平治天下。就算有离娄那样的眼力,公输班那样的技巧,如果不使用圆规和矩尺,也不能画出准确的圆形和方形;就算有师旷那样的耳力,不凭借六律这种工具,也不能校正五音;就算有尧舜那样的道德,如果不以仁政为法度,也不能治理好天下。

离娄之明、公输子之巧,不以规矩,不能成方员;师旷之聪, 不以六律,不能正五音;尧舜之道,不以仁政,不能平治天下。








Even if you had the keen eyes of Li Lou and the skill of Gongshu Zi, you could not draw squares and circles without the compass and square; even if you had the acute ears of Shi Kuang, you could not adjust the pitch of the five notes correctly without the six pipes; even if you knew the Way of Yao and Shun, you could not rule the Empire equitably without a benevolent government.

