首页 理论教育 学校生活很多彩


时间:2023-01-16 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:我在新学校已经呆了一个月了。总体来说,学校的生活很愉快。除了美国历史,其他的课程对我来说都还算简单。不论怎样,我一直很想享受这种生活的忙碌和挑战。第三学期很快开始了。这将是我在West High School第一个完整也将是最后一个完整的学期,对于我来说弥足珍贵。开学第一天,并没有什么特殊的大型典礼。来自上海的男孩加入了美国历史。就像英语老师总叫他的那样,他叫Zhou Fang。来自台湾的女孩名叫I-Chau。现在我们都已彼此熟悉。



第三学期很快开始了。这将是我在West High School第一个完整也将是最后一个完整的学期,对于我来说弥足珍贵。我一直希望可以在这里充实地过好每一天。开学第一天,并没有什么特殊的大型典礼。唯一一个新鲜的地方就是教室的座位变更了一下。老师手里拿着点名单,根据她们口中叫的一个个名字,我们找到新的座位。不过除了几何和代数,我的座位没有太大变化。另一个变动则是我的午餐时间,从B变到了C,从11:24到11:54,吃完饭还需要继续回教室上课。我觉得似乎不如从前方便了,但不管怎样都要适应它。

来自上海的男孩加入了美国历史。在他面前我似乎自信了许多,因为我已经拥有比他多一个月的学习和磨合时间了。就像英语老师总叫他的那样,他叫Zhou Fang。来自台湾的女孩名叫I-Chau。现在我们都已彼此熟悉。然而,历史看上去还是那么难。我不知道为什么,每当走进这个教室,心中就会不由自主地紧张起来。或许老师要求很严格,而我又不太擅长吧。

For ESL ELD class,the teacher called“Mrs.Bunnell”would leave for the next school,which was full of tiny children to go on with her internship.It was a pity for all of us because she was kind and friendly.We all felt reluctant to be apart with each other.On her last day of the school,I had my first presentation and report of my work. She praised my unique and intelligent story and of course I got full mark on this project.Later,when we finished the presentation of the project,we held a small party for her.The new teacher and the other two teachers brought food to class.We had coke,sprite,salsa and some special Korean food that were brought by the Korean students.It was a really interesting day.The atmosphere turned a bit sad when the schedule bell rang.Mrs.Bunnell sobbed.She said that this was her first teaching experience after she graduated from university.She told us that she loved teaching,especially the teaching students of different cultures. Ms.Lyons,the assistant of ELL,at the end of class took a photo of us. At last,Mrs.Bunnell promised us to remember us forever and come back to us at the end of May.I gave her a special gift that I brought from China-a Chinese tie.She was moved and hugged me.I encouraged her to be confident and daring in the new school.She thanked me,anyway.

A dancing party was held by international women club at that night.I went with my momtogether.It was interesting that there was no man at the party.The holders were all old lady who worked as ESL or ELL teacher.They were all retired from work now.They were friendly and kind to us foreigners.We just danced and danced with the happy and relaxing music.Everyone has a partner of dancing.And there should be a gentleman and a lady for each group.Unfortunately,I was considered as that man who wore a red scarf as the symbol.And all those old ladies acted the men as well.We jumped and sang.And at last,we ate desserts and bread.It was a special and exciting night.

对于ESL和ELD课,叫Ms.Bunnell的实习老师即将离开,到下一个儿童学校进行实习。对于我们这的确是一个遗憾,因为她总是那么和善友好。对于离别大家似乎都感到了不舍和为难。在她离开的那一天,我作了进校以来的第一次报告和展示。她赞扬了我写的英语故事,自然我在那个课题上拿到了满分成绩。后来当我们结束了所有报告,我们举办了一个小型派对。新老师和其余两位老师拿来了食物。我们享用了蛋糕,雪碧,salsa和一些韩国学生带来的韩国食物。那真的是很有趣的一天。当下课铃响起的时候,气氛变得有些伤感。Ms.Bunnell流下了眼泪。她说这是她大学毕业后的第一次实习经历。她说她很热爱教育这项事业,尤其是ESL教育。ELL的实习助理Ms.Lyons为我们大家照了一张合影。最后,Ms. Bunnell说她会永远记得大家,并保证很快回来看我们。我送给她一个从中国带来的特别的礼物——一个中国结。她很感动,拥抱了我。我鼓励她要在今后的新学校中自信勇敢。她很感谢我。


The spring break was coming,which was considered as a public holiday through America.My family was planning a fantastic trip.Unluckily,the forecast reported that it'd be rainy all day.That was really bad.My plan had to change and we finally decided to stay at home and watch TV.To my surprise,there was no homework assignment during the holiday.Entirely different form what we usually do in China,teachers here openly wished us happy spring break with no homework as presents.


