作者:高奇超 导师:王跃进
西北农林科技大学 果树学2011届硕士
摘 要
1. 引进制汁葡萄品种均于3月下旬开始萌芽,玫瑰露和康拜尔于8月中旬成熟,属于中熟品种;卡托巴、康可、黄金玫瑰于9月中旬成熟,属于晚熟品种。
2. 引进制汁葡萄品种在陕西杨凌地区不仅能正常生长,而且表现出了美洲种或欧美杂交种典型的植物学特性。其成龄叶大小在149.3~355.3cm2之间;成熟枝条节间长度在5.5~15.5cm之间,节间粗度在0.4~0.9cm之间;果穗大小在18.6~164.2cm2之间,平均穗重在15.5~213.8g之间;果粒大小在1.32~4.56cm2之间,平均粒重在0.8~4.4g之间;出汁率在61.8%~70.2%之间。
3. 植株生长势卡托巴、康可和黄金玫瑰较强,玫瑰露和康拜尔较弱。它们的萌芽率在64.6%~86.2%之间;结果枝百分率在54.5%~91.4%之间;每结果枝果穗数在1.4~2.1之间;平均单株产量在63.4~5350.0g之间。其中康可的萌芽率、结果枝百分率、每结果枝果穗数均较高,黄金玫瑰的平均单株产量最高,达到5350.0g。
4. 引进制汁葡萄品种对白粉病、黑痘病和霜霉病均表现出较强的抗性。对白粉病的抗性,康可、玫瑰露和康拜尔达到高抗的水平,卡托巴和黄金玫瑰处于抗病水平;对黑痘病的抗性,引进品种均达抗病水平;对霜霉病的抗性,除玫瑰露为高抗外,其他引进品种均表现为抗病。
5. 引进制汁葡萄品种光补偿点在23.9~42.2μmol/m2s之间;光饱和点在1575.0~1642.9μmol/m2s之间;CO2补偿点在65.1~74.3μmol/mol之间;CO2饱和点在897.5~1061.7μmol/mol之间。与卡托巴和康可相比,黄金玫瑰的净光合速率、表观量子效率、羧化效率及RuBP最大再生速率均较高,表现出了较强的光合能力,这与其连续两年都获得较高的产量相一致。
关键词 制汁葡萄 生物学特性 抗病性 光合特性
Catawba,Concord,Golden Muscat,Delaware,Campbell are introduced grape verities for juicing from USA. Taking these juicing grapes for materials,the main photosynthetic characteristics were studied;biological characteristics,such as phonological phases,botanical traits and agricultural economics properties were observed in Yangling from 2009 to 2010. Meanwhile,using natural identification in the field,the general resistance of these juicing grapes to powdery mildew,anthracnose and downy mildew was researched in order to investigate their agronomic characters and provide juice-making industry with theoretical foundation. The results are as below:
1. All of the introduced juicing grapes bud on late-Mar.,Delaware and Campbell were mid-varieties,and Catawba,Concord and Golden Muscat were late-varieties.
2. All of the introduced juicing grapes were able to growth normally and showed botanical traits of Vivis. labrusca L. Mature leaf size of introduced juicing grapes was between 149.3 and 355.3cm2;internode length of woody shoot was between 5.5 and 15.5cm,internode diameter of woody shoot was between 0.4 and 0.9cm;bunch size was between 18.6 and 164.2cm2,bunch weight was between 15.5 and 213.8g;berry size was between 1.32 and 4.56cm2,berry weight was between 0.8 and 4.4g;percentage of must was between 61.8% and 70.2%.
3. Growth vigor of Catawba,Concord and Golden Muscat were stronger than Delaware and Campbell. Percentage of bud burst of introduced juicing grapes was between 64.6% and 86.2%;percentage of bearing shoots was between 54.5% and 91.4%;cluster number per bearing shoot was between 1.4 and 2.1;mean production per tree was between 63.4 and 5350.0g. Golden Muscat had the highest yield,its mean production per tree reached 5350.0g.
4. All of the introduced juicing grapes showed strong disease resistance. Concord,Delaware,Campbell were high resistant to powdery mildew,Golden Muscat and Catawba were resistant to powdery mildew;all of the introduced juicing grapes were resistant to anthracnose;Delaware was high resistant to downy mildew,others were resistant to downy mildew.
5. Light compensation point of introduced juicing grapes was between 23.9 and 42.2 μmol/m2s;light saturation point was between 1575.0 and 1642.9μmol/m2s;CO2 compensation point was between 65.1 and 74.3μmol/mol;CO2 saturation point was between 897.5 and 1061.7μmol/mol;apparent quantum yield was between 0.036 and 0.044mol/mol;carboxylation efficiency was between 0.067 and 0.095mol/m2s. In the aspect of net photosynthetic rate,apparent quantum yield,carboxylation efficiency,maximum regeneration rate of RuBP,Golden Muscat was higher than Catawba and Concord. In accord with the higher yield,Golden Muscat showed higher photosynthetic capacity.
Key words Juicing grapes Biological characteristics Disease resistance Photosynthetic characteristics