首页 理论教育 引进美国葡萄品种制汁性能及中国野葡萄白藜芦醇含量研究


时间:2023-02-14 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:引进美国葡萄品种制汁性能及中国野葡萄白藜芦醇含量研究JUICING PERFORMANCE OF GRAPE VARIETIES INTRODUCED FROM UNITED STATES AND RESVERATROL CONTEN RESEARCH OF CHINESE WILD VITIS作者:陆平波  导师:王跃进西北农林科技大学  果树学2011届硕士摘 要葡萄汁营养丰富,是世界上流行的三大果汁之一。因此,从美国引进优质抗病的制汁葡萄品种并进行制汁研究,是解决葡萄制汁生产问题的有效途径。



作者:陆平波  导师:王跃进

西北农林科技大学  果树学2011届硕士

摘 要

葡萄汁营养丰富,是世界上流行的三大果汁之一。目前我国葡萄制汁品种十分缺乏,葡萄汁品质较差,这一现状严重制约了我国葡萄制汁业的发展。因此,从美国引进优质抗病的制汁葡萄品种并进行制汁研究,是解决葡萄制汁生产问题的有效途径。白藜芦醇是葡萄果实及其制品中的一种重要的化学物质,具有抗癌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒、免疫调节、预防心血管疾病及神经保护剂等保健功能,研究不同葡萄资源果实中白藜芦醇含量对于提高葡萄及其加工品的营养价值具有重要意义。本研究以从美国引进的制汁葡萄品种康可(Concord)、康拜尔(Campbell)、卡托巴(Catawba)和黄金玫瑰(Golden Muscat)为研究材料,并以本地栽培品种巨峰和户太8号为对照,分析了这些葡萄品种的果实品质、香气成分和加工性能;同时,以中国野生葡萄11个种或变种的29个株系为材料,并以欧洲葡萄、美洲葡萄和欧美杂种葡萄的13个栽培品种为对照,在田间自然状态下,分析了葡萄果实在绿果期、转色期、成熟期三个不同发育时期白藜芦醇的含量;比较了不同株系或品种间白藜芦醇含量的差异;阐述了生长发育过程中葡萄果实白藜芦醇含量的动态变化规律。取得的主要结果如下:

1. 对引进制汁葡萄品种果实品质的分析结果表明,不同葡萄品种两年的营养成分平均值(除pH值外)在5%水平上具有显著性差异。引进制汁葡萄果实的粗出汁率均高于对照组,康拜尔最高,达到71.13%;果实中Vc含量均不高,在4.22~7.59 mg/100g之间,其中黄金玫瑰具有相对较高的含量,而其糖酸比最低;康拜尔和康可果实的总酚含量均较高,分别为758.74 mg/kg和717.20 mg/kg;对照组户太8号果实中总糖、还原性糖和可溶性固形物的含量均为最高,分别为192.33 g/L、157.83 g/L和17.63%;康可果实的总糖、还原性糖和总酸的含量均为最低,其总糖含量仅为136.39 g/L,而其具有最高的糖酸比值为38.91。

2. 根据我国制汁的传统方法和实验室现有条件,对葡萄果实进行了制汁实验,分析表明,加工果汁能够较好地保留葡萄果实的营养成分,而且香气丰富,滋味纯正,色泽和口感宜人,微生物检验符合食品安全要求,巨峰果汁则略有煮熟的异味;加工果汁中总酚、总糖及还原糖与果实相比都有较大的提高,而Vc(除黄金玫瑰)和总酸含量却有所降低,pH值升高。

3. 加工果汁能够较好地保留果实中的主要香气物质,脂类、酮类、醛类、酸酐类、醇类及萜烯类等物质共同构成引进品种的果实及其加工果汁独特的风味。康拜尔、卡托巴和黄金玫瑰的果实及其加工果汁中,脂类物质的相对含量都最高,其中乙酸乙酯是主要的脂类物质;康可果实及其加工果汁中相对含量最高的物质分别为醛类物质和脂类物质,同时果实中的乙酸乙酯的含量也高达26.29%;对照组巨峰和户太8号的果实及其加工果汁中,醛类物质的相对含量都最高,此次是酮类、醇类等物质,而其加工果汁中脂类物质含量相对较低。此外,由于受葡萄汁加工过程的影响,同一葡萄品种的果实与其加工果汁分离的香气物质的数量及其种类有所差异。

4. 通过分析中国野生葡萄11个种或变种的29个株系以及欧洲葡萄、美洲葡萄和欧美杂种葡萄的13个栽培品种的果实在绿果期、转色期、成熟期三个不同发育时期的白藜芦醇含量,发现同一生长时期不同株系或品种间存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。绿果期葡萄果实中白藜芦醇含量普遍相对较低,毛葡萄商-24具有相对较高的含量为4.454μg/g;转色期葡萄果实中白藜芦醇含量大部分较绿果期都有一定的提高,而毛葡萄商-24、泰山-12和83-4-85的含量相对绿果期却有所降低;成熟期葡萄果实中,大部分中国野生葡萄和对照组栽培品种的白藜芦醇含量达到最高。毛葡萄丹-2、山葡萄通化-3、秋葡萄江西-2和欧洲葡萄雷司令的成熟果实具有较高的白藜芦醇含量。

关键词 引进 葡萄品种 制汁性能 中国野生葡萄 白藜芦醇


As one of the three most popular juice in the world,grape juice is rich in nutrients,but lacking of grape juice varieties and low quality have hampered China's grape juice industry seriously. Therefore,importing grape varieties from United States,which is good in quality and disease resistance,is an effective way to solve this problem. Moreover,there is abundant resveratrol in grape and related products. Grapevine resveratrol,the expression product of stilbene synthase in phenylalanine pathway,not only can enhance the resistance of plants,but also has the functions of anti-cancer,anti-tumor,anti-virus,immunomodulation,prevention of cardiovascular disease,protecting Neurological. Studies have shown that the Chinese wild vitis are rich in resveratrol. In this study,we characterized the cultivars of Campbell,Concord,Catawba and Golden Muscat which were introduced from American on the aspect of fruit quality,aroma ingredients and processing performance. And,we have two local grape cultivars Kyoho and Hutai 8 as comparison. Meanwhile,11 Chinese wild vitis species or variants encompassing 29 accessions were as the study material,and 13 cultivars of V.vinifera L,V.labrusca and V.labrusca-V.vinifera were as comparison. We analyzed the resveratrol content of grape berries at the green,veraison and maturity stages;Compared the difference of the resveratrol content between diverse grape varieties;Described the dynamic variation of resveratrol at three different stages.

1. Results demonstrated that,there was significant difference in nutrition between different grape varieties at the 5% level (except for pH).There was higher crude juice output of introduced gape than the comparison. Campbell as the highest one,is 71.13% in juice output rate. But the Vc content is low in the introduced grapes,between 4.22-7.59 mg/100g. Golden Muscat had a relatively high content in Vc,but has the lowest sugar-acid ratio. Campbell and Concord had higher total phenol than others,were up to 758.74 mg/kg and 717.20 mg/kg respectively. The total sugar,reductive sugar and soluble solids content in Hutai 8 were the highest,up to 192.33 g/L,157.83 g/L and 17.63%. Otherwise,Concord has the lowest total sugar,reductive sugar and total acid content,in which,the total sugar content was only 136.39 g/L,but Concord has highest ratio of sugar-acid ratio,up to 38.91.

2. According to the grape juice experiments,the juice derived from the juice making grapes is abundant in aroma,pure in flavor,pleasant in color and could maintain the nutrition content and complied with food safety requirements in the microbiological testing. But there was slightly cooked odor in the Kyoho processed juice. Total phenolics,total sugar and reducing sugar in processed juice increased greatly. But the content of Vc(except for Golden Muscat) and total acidity in processed juice were decreased ,otherwise,pH values were higher than berries. For protecting color in processing,Vc was added,which led to Vc content increase in Golden Muscat juice.

3. We can know that processed juice could retain the main aroma by comparing the aroma components of grape berries and its processed juice. Lipids,ketones,aldehydes,anhydrides,alcohols,terpenes and other materials together constitute the unique flavor of introduced gape varieties and its processed juice. In Campbell,Catawba and Golden Muscat berries and its processed juice,the relative content of lipids were the highest. In which,ethyl acetate was the main lipid. There were highest relative content of aldehydes in Concord berry,but the ethyl acetate content was also up to 26.29%,while,there was highest relative content of lipids in Concord processed juice. In the Kyoho and Hutai 8 berries and its processed juice,the relative content of aldehydes was the highest,but there were relative lower lipids in its processed juice. Moreover,the amount and type of aroma were different in the berry and its processed juice of the same gape cultivar because of the processing.

4. By analysis the 11 Chinese wild vitis species or variants encompassing 29 accessions ,and 13 cultivars of V.vinifera L,V.labrusca and V.labrusca-V.vinifera results showed that the resveratrol content in these berries is significant different in different cultivars or accessions (P<0.05) at the same stage. At green fruit stage,resveratrol content was generally low and V. quinquangularis Rehd ‘Shang-24’ had the highest resveratrol yield,as 4.454ug/g. The levels of resveratrol in most of grape varieties were increased at veraison stage. On the contrary,the content of resveratrol in some grape cultivars or accessions such as V.quinquangularis Rehd ‘Shang-24’,‘Taishan-12’ and ‘83-4-85’ et al,were reduced at this stage compared to that in berries at green fruit stage. In ripened berries,the content of resveratrol in most Chinese wild vitis and other cultivars berries reached the highest level. There were relative higher resveratrol content in ripened berriesof V. quinquangularis Rehd ‘Dan-2’,V. amurensis Rupr‘Tonghua-3’, V. romanetii Roman ‘Jiangxi-2’ and V.vinifera L‘Riesling’ .

Key words Introduced Grape varieties Juicing performance Chinese wild vitis Resveratrol

