首页 理论教育 袋控缓释肥对新疆三个葡萄品种产量和品质的影响


时间:2023-02-14 理论教育 版权反馈



作者:张 乐  导师:郭春会

西北农林科技大学  果树学2011届硕士

摘 要


1. 不同施肥处理对三个葡萄品种叶片叶绿素含量的影响


2. 不同施肥处理对三个葡萄品种光合特性的影响

各不同施肥处理均使三个葡萄品种的净光合速率Pn大于对照,在克瑞森葡萄上以袋装有机肥加喷Fe肥处理最佳,经相关性分析,Pn与Pn/Ci呈极显著正相关,与Gs Tr呈显著正相关,而与WUE呈负相关,与Ci呈极显著负相关;Pn在无核白葡萄和红地球葡萄上以袋装有机肥处理表现最佳,经相关性分析,无核白葡萄的净光合速率Pn与GsTrWUEPn/ Ci呈正相关,其中和WUE呈显著正相关,和Pn/ Ci呈极显著正相关,和Ci呈负相关;红地球葡萄的净光合速率Pn与Gs、WUEPn/ Ci呈正相关,与Tr呈显著正相关,与Ci呈负相关。

3. 不同施肥处理对三个葡萄品种产量的影响


4. 不同施肥处理对三个葡萄品种品质的影响

不同施肥处理均使三种葡萄的品质得到了不同程度的改善。其中克瑞森无核葡萄以袋装有机肥加喷Fe肥处理表现最佳,在果实硬度、可溶性固形物和还原性Vc方面均较对照有最大的增加幅度,而可滴定酸有所降低,比对照降低了34%。而使无核白和红地球葡萄表现最佳的处理为袋装有机肥处理,使两品种的果实硬度分别较对照提高了0.21 kg/cm2和0.62 kg/cm2;使可溶性固形物亦较对照有大幅度的提高,均达到显著水平。使可滴定酸降幅最大,降幅分别为24.1%和22.8%;使还原性Vc显著提高。


关键词 袋控缓释肥 克瑞森无核葡萄 无核白葡萄 红地球葡萄


The study was conducted in 2010,3-10 in Research Center of Xinjiang Grape,Melon and Fruit and the Hongqipo farm of Aksu. Using 8-year-old Crimson seedless,20-year-old Thompson Seedless and 11-year-old Red Globe grape as the test materials,and according to the climatic condition,soil condition and the fertilizer requirements of grape in major grape producing areas of Xinjiang,the kraft paper bags with holes were packed with adequate amount of compost,aiming to control the release rate as well as make the nutrient preservation match the crops' demand for nutrients. This experiment studied the chlorophyll content (SPAD value),leaves quality,photosynthetic characteristics,yields and qualities of three grapes regulating by fertilizer of different indices. And here are the effects:

1. Effect of various Nutrition Supply Conditions on the chlorophyll content of three grapes

Using the method of this test to determine the chlorophyll content of three varieties of grape,it showed that during the whole life period,the chlorophyll content increased gradually and more quickly the first-phase,then stabilized and showed a tendency toward decrease. The organic fertilizer added with Fe2+ bags affect the chlorophyll content of Crimson seedless most,and organic fertilizer bags affect the chlorophyll content of Thompson Seedless、Red Globe grape most.

2. Effect of various Nutrition Supply Conditions on the photosynthetic characteristics of three grapes

The three grapes' net photosynthetic rate Pn were all higher than CK in various Nutrition Supply Conditions,the organic fertilizer with Fe2+ bags performed best on Crimson seedless. The correlation analysis showed that Pn positively correlated with Pn/Ci very significantly,positively correlated with Gs,Tr;whereas negatively with WUE and negatively with Ci very significantly;The net photosynthesis rate Pn of Red Globe grape positively correlated with Gs,WUE and Pn/ Ci,positively correlated with Tr significantly,and negatively correlated with Ci.

3. Effect of various Nutrition Supply Conditions on yields of three grapes

The yields of Crimson seedless (the amplitude was 1.8%~28.4%)had been increased with various fertilizer strategy,The organic fertilizer bags added with Fe2+ got the best result,about 28.4%,the yields was 30733.62kg/hm2,with the increase of per ear weight ,Seed Weight,ear length and ear diameter respectively. The yields of Thompson Seedless and Red Globe grape increased with various fertilization strategies,comparing with CK,the amplitudes were 5.5%~13.2% and 4.3%~25.0%. It was the common fertilizer bags that maximized the yields of Thompson Seedless and the organic fertilizer bags went for Red Globe grape. Moreover,the yields of three grapes using bags packed with sustained-release fertilizer were higher than that of CK.

4. Effect of various Nutrition Supply Conditions on quality of three grapes

The qualities of three grapes had been improved to certain degrees with various fertilizer strategies. The Crimson seedless performed best on the organic fertilizer with Fe2+ bags,with total soluble solids (TSS),fruit firmness and vitamin C increasing the largest amount rate,yet titratable acid (TA) reduced by 34% comparing with CK. However,both of Thompson Seedless and Red Globe grape performed best on the organic fertilizer bags,with increment of the fruit firmness 0.21 kg/cm2and 0.62 kg/cm2 respectively,comparing with CK;and the total soluble solids (TSS) also having a larger increase rate comparing with CK,reached a significant level;the decrease rate of titratable acid (TA) was the biggest,with 24.1% and 22.8% respectively;and the vitamin C increased significantly.

Overall,the qualities and yields of Crimson seedless improved owing to the organic fertilizer with Fe2+bags;the yields of Thompson Seedless increased significantly owing to the common fertilizer bags,however,the effect of the organic fertilizer bags was most striking in terms of quality;the organic fertilizer bags increased the yields of Red Globe grape as well as improved the quality of its berry. The application of the organic fertilizer bags are recommended in production.

Key words Bag-controlled release fertilizer Crimson seedless grape Seedless grape Red globe grape

