首页 理论教育 京津唐酿酒葡萄气候区划与品种区划研究


时间:2023-02-14 理论教育 版权反馈



作者:兰玉芳  导师:李 华

西北农林科技大学  发酵工程2011届硕士

摘 要

本研究以中国气象局气象信息中心资料室提供的京津唐50个气象站点连续30年(1979~2008)气象数据为材料,通过对京津唐气候特点的研究和目前中国主要应用的各气候区划指标体系的比较分析,建立了适合京津唐气候特点的酿酒葡萄气候区划指标体系,并利用该体系对京津唐进行酿酒葡萄气候区划,划分为7个栽培区,均需埋土防寒。在此基础上,通过对目前各主要品种区划指标体系和世界优良酿酒葡萄品种的研究,建立品种区划指标体系,对京津唐地区气候适宜区进行品种区划,划分为3个区域,并结合无霜期(Frost-Free Period,FFP)、4~9月干燥度((Dry Index,DI))、7~9月降雨和土壤对各区适栽品种作出评价。同时以气候区划为基础,利用京津唐40个气象站点连续40年(1969~2008)气象资料,以无霜期和4~9月干燥度为指标,应用ArcGIS软件,研究了近40年气候变化对京津唐酿酒葡萄栽培区域的影响。并利用ArcGIS软件,采用Kringing插值法绘制了京津唐气候区划图、品种区划图和近40年10年期酿酒葡萄无霜期、干燥度、气候区划分布变化图,最后对该区酿酒葡萄的发展提出建议。

1. 京津唐酿酒葡萄气候区划

1. 1京津唐气候特点


1. 2京津唐酿酒葡萄气候区划结果









2. 京津唐酿酒葡萄品种区域化





3. 气候变化对京津唐酿酒葡萄气候区划的影响


3. 1 京津唐近40年无霜期变化结果


3. 2 京津唐近40年干燥度变化结果

1969~ 2008的40年,京津唐干燥度小于1的区域逐渐消失,大于1的地区向北扩展,特别是在近10年大于1.6的地区逐渐出现,有向北移动的趋势。近40年酿酒葡萄栽培的不适区消失,适宜栽培区增加,优良品质产区逐渐出现,并有北移趋势,京津唐将更为适宜种植酿酒葡萄。

3. 3 京津唐近40年气候区划变化结果


关键词 京津唐 酿酒葡萄 气候区划 品种区域化 气候变化


According to climatic date of 50 weather stations from 1979 to 2008 provided by Climatic Information Centre of China Meteorological Administration (CMA),a new viticulture climatic zoning index system was established by researching the climatic characteristic of Jingjintang area and comparing of the climatic index systems used in the viticulture zoning .According to this system,climatic zoning in Jingjintang area was carried out and it was divided into 7 areas. On the basis,through analyzing the main systems of variety zoning at present and researching the main high quality varieties in the world,a new variety zoning system was formed,variety zoning was implemented,and the suitable varieties in every zones were discussed with taking over the Frost-Free Period(FFP,April-September),Dryness Index (DI,April-September),precipitation (July-September) and soil. Then,effects to climatic zoning of viticulture caused by climate changing were studied by applying the climatic zoning system and climatic date of 40 weather stations from 1969 to 2008. Subsequently,the maps of climatic zoning,variety zoning and variation of FFP,DI,climatic zoning from 1969 to 2008 in 10 a stage for Jingjintang area were drawn by the method of the kringing interpolation with ArcGIS software. Last but not least important,some suggestions on developing the industry of grapes and wine were provided for Jingjintang area.

1. Viticulture climatic zoning of Jingjintang area

1. 1 Climatic characteristic of Jingjintang area

Frost-Free Period (FFP,July-September,April-September),active temperature (∑Ta,July-September,April-September,whole year),mean lowest temperature,and precipitation (July,August,September,July-September,April-September,whole year) in Jingjintang area was firstly did statistics and analyzed from thermal and moisture conditions. It was showed that thermal abundant,FFP long,summer hot,winter cold,distribution uneven but regular with increasing from northwest and north to southwest and south (lowest in northwest,middle in center,and highest in south),was its obviously characteristic in thermal conditions. For the moisture aspect,precipitation was adequate,evenly distributed and mainly concentrated in summer,especially July and August,but it was dry and less water in winter. In shot,it was cold and dry in winter,but hot and wet in summer,and shower with the hot season.

1. 2 Result of climatic zoning of viticulture in Jingjintang area

Based on the climatic characteristic of Jingjintang area,by discussing and analyzing the index system used in China,a new zoning index system is established,with Frost- Free Period (FFP) as the first index,Dryness Index (DI=ETC/P) of growth season (April-September) as the secondary index,bury line (mean lowest temperature below -15℃) as the tertiary index and precipitation (1st,July-30th,September) as the fourth index. According to this zoning system and by using the daily climatic data of the past 30 years (from 1979 to 2008) provided by CMA,with ArcGIS software,Jingjintang area was subdivided into 7 viticulture zones,which reflects well the actual viticulture regions in Jingjintang. In the results,Zone 2 and 4 were the good planting regions,Zone 1 and 6 were the suitable planting regions,and Zone 3,5 and 7 were the general producing regions.

Zone Ⅰ: Tanghekou

Zone Ⅱ: Yanqin,Zhaitang

Zone Ⅲ: Miyun,Pinggu,Qinglong

Zone Ⅳ: Changping,Daxing,Beichenqu,Baodi

Zone Ⅴ: Shunyi,Huairou,Miyunshangdianzi,Chaoyang,Mentougou,Shijingshan,Fengtai,Fangshan,Xiayunling,Hangu,Qianxi,Luannan,Qianan,Yutian,Luanxian,Fengrun,Fengnan,Tangshan,Tanghai,Leting,Lulong,Qinhuangdao,Funing

Zone Ⅵ: Wuqing,Tianjin,Ninghe,Jinghai,Jinnanqu,Tanggu,Dagang

Zone Ⅶ: Haidian,Tongzhou,Beijing,Jixian,urben climate station,Dongliqu,Zunhua

2. Grapevine variety zoning in Jingjintang area

On the basis of viticulture climatic zoning,through analyzing the main systems of variety zoning at present and researching the main high quality varieties in the world,sum of effective temperature (April to September) was chosen as the variety index,the viticulture areas were variety zoned and divided into 3 zones: Moderately warm area,Warm area,Hot area,and the suitable varieties in every zones were discussed with taking over the Frost-Free Period(FFP,April-September),Dryness Index (DI,April to September),precipitation (July to September) and soil.

Moderately warm area: Tanghekou,Yanqing,Miyunshangdianzi,Zhaitang,Xiayunling,Qianan,Leting,Qinglong,Qinhuangdao,Funing were included. They were fit for Cabernet Sauvignon,Cabernet Franc,Merlot,Grenache,Carignane,Zinfandel,Gamay Noir,Canepabn,Sauvignon Blanc,Semillon,Italian Riesling,Chenin Blanc,Ugni Blanc,Rkatsiteli. In theory,Cabernet Franc ,Gamay Noir,Chenin Blanc,Italian Riesling were more suitable.

Warm area: Shunyi,Haidian,Miyun,Huairou,Pinggu,Tongzhou,Chaoyang, Changping,Mentougou,Shijingshan,Daxing,Fangshan,Wuqing,Baodi,Dongli,Ninghe Hangu,Jinnan,Dagang,Zunhua,Qianxi,Luannan,Luanxian,Fengrun,Fengnan,Tangshan,Tanghai,Lulong,Changli was included,suitable for Cinsault,Grenache,Muscat Blanc,Mustcat d’Alexandrie,Longyan,Rybt Carbernet. Among them,Muscat Blanc was more appropriate.

Hot area: Beijing,Fengtai,Jixian,City climatic station,Tianjin,Beichen,Jinhai,Tanggu,Yutian were contained,correspondingly were fit for Rkatsiteli,Colombarb,White Riesling,Pinot Gris,Ugni Blanc,Grenache,Canepabn,Cabernet Sauvignon,Carignane,Zinfandel,Ruby Cabernet,and Pinot Gris,Cabernet Sauvignon,Colombarb were more proper than others.

3. Effects to viticulture climatic zoning caused by climate changing

With climatic date of 50 weather stations from 1979 to 2008 as the material and the established climatic zoning system as the basis,the variation of FFP,DI and climatic zoning were researched and analyzed.

3. 1 Result of variation of FFP from 1969 to 2008 in Jingjintang area

In past 40 years,the regions of FFP≤160 d was disappeared,the places of FFP≥180 d was increased,specially the areas of FFP≥220;the growing season also was lengthened;Grape cultivation regions were migrated towards north;with the expanding of regions of FFP≥200,the regions where grape grew well and quality was high were reduced gradually.

3. 2 Result of variation of DI from 1969 to 2008 in Jingjintang area

From 1969 to 2008,the regions with DI<1 were vanished,the areas with DI≥1 were significantly extending towards north,at the same time the excellent regions with DI≥1.6 began to emerge in south and west of Jingjintang area. It was getting more suitable for grapes.

3. 3 Result of variation of climatic zoning from 1969 to 2008 in Jingjintang area

In recent 40 years,with increasing of FFP and DI,unsuitable regions for grapes were vanishing,suitable regions were extended obviously and considerably moved onto north,and regions with grape expressing well were emerged in south of Tianjin and northwest of Beijing. It was concluded that the cultivation would continue moving onto north,good planting regions would appear largely,but with the regions of FFP≥220 d extending and occupying the regions of FFP<220 d,it would be moved north and slowly induced in the next few decades or even centuries.

Key words Jingjintang area  Grapevine Climate zoning Grapevine variety zoning Climate changing

