首页 理论教育 新概念第四册十大必背文章


时间:2023-02-15 理论教育 版权反馈

1.Lesson 3 Matterhorn man(马特霍恩山区人)

Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport, and the more difficult it is, the more highly it is regarded. In the pioneering days, however, this was not the case at all.The early climbers were looking for the easiest way to the top, because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before.It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature, equipped in a manner with would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement.They had a single aim, a solitary goal-the top!

It is hard for us to realize nowadays how difficult it was for the pioneers. Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, Alpine villages tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains.Such inns as there were generally dirty and flea-ridden;the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old, all washeddown with coarse wine.Often a valley boasted no inn at all, and climbers found shelter wherever they could—sometimes with the local priest(who was usually as poor as his parishioners),sometimes with shepherds or cheese-makers.Invariably the background was the same:dirt and poverty, and very uncomfortable.For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must have been very hard indeed.




2.Lesson 5 Youth(青年)

People are always talking about'the problem of youth'. If there is one——which I take leave to doubt——then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves.Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings——people just like their elders.There is only one difference between an old man and a young one:the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him:and maybe that is where the rub is.

When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain—that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort.They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things.All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things.It's as if they were, in some sense, cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures.All that is in my mind when I meet a young person.He may be conceited, ill-mannered, presumptuousor fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders—as if mere age were a reason for respect.I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong.





3.Lesson 6 The sporting spirit(体育的精神)

I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples(the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance)that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.

Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win.On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise:but as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused.Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this.At the international level, sport is frankly mimic warfare.But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators:and, behind the spectators, of the nations who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriously believe-at any rate for short periods-that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.




4.Lesson 11 How to grow old(如何安度晚年)

Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling.Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abjectand ignoble.The best way to overcome it—so at least it seems to me—is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.An individual human existence should be like a river—small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue.And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome.I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.



5.Lesson 16 The modern city(现代城市)

In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible.It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory.The great cities have been built with no regard for us.The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground, and of offering to the tenants offices and apartments that please them.This caused the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beingsare crowded together.Civilized men like such a way of living.While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling, they do not realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life.The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.Obviously, it has not been planned for the good of its inhabitants.



6.Lesson 22 Knowledge and progress(知识和进步)

Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world ? Surely because progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge.Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech.With the invention of writing, a great advance was made, for knowledge could then be not only communicated but also stored.Libraries made education possible, and education in its turn added to libraries:the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing.All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming of science, the tempo was suddenly raised.Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan.The trickle became a stream;the stream has now become a torrent.Moreover, as soon as new knowledge is acquired, it is now turned to practical account.What is called'modern civilization'is not the result of a balanced development of all man's nature, but of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life.The problem now facing humanity is:What is going to be done with all this knowledge ? As is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil.It is now being used indifferently for both.Could any spectacle, forinstance, be more grimly whimsical than that of gunners using science to shatter men's bodies while, close at hand, surgeons use it to restore them ? We have to ask ourselves very seriously what will happen if this twofold use of knowledge, with its ever-increasing power, continues.



7.Lesson 24 Beauty(美)

A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond. It is difficult for any of us in moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse of a light that shines down to us from a different realm of existence, different and, because the experience is intensely moving, in some way higher.And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined.Greater too than we can describe;for language, which was invented to convey the meanings of this world, cannot readily be fitted to the uses of another.

That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond is undeniable. In some moods, Nature shares it.There is no sky in June so blue that it does not point forward to a bluer, no sunset so beautiful that it does not waken the vision of a greater beauty, a vision which passes before it is fully glimpsed, and in passing leaves an indefinable longing and regret.But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries;if these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion, or whimsies sent by the devil to mockand madden us, if, in a word, beauty means something, yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning.If we glimpse the unutterable, it is unwise to try to utter it, nor should we seek to invest with significance that which we cannot grasp.Beauty in terms of our human meanings is meaningless.




8.Lesson 33 Education(教育)

Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities.Convinced of the importance of education, modern states'invest'in institutions of learning to get back'interest'in the form of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders.Education, with its cycles of instruction so carefully worked out, punctuated by textbooks—those purchasable wells of wisdom-what would civilization be like without its benefits ?

So much is certain:that we would have doctors and preachers, lawyers and defendants, marriages and births—but our spiritual outlook would be different. We would lay less stress on'facts and figures'and more on a good memory, on applied psychology, and on the capacity of a man to get along with his fellow-citizens.If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form of'college'imaginable.Among tribal people all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all;it is taught to every member of the tribe so that in thisrespect everybody is equally equipped for life.

It is the ideal condition of the'equal start'which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain. In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all.There are no'illiterates'—if the term can be applied to peoples without a script—while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642,in France in 1806,and in England in 1876,and is still non-existent in a number of'civilized'nations.This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the'happy few'during the past centuries.

Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. All are entitled to an equal start.There is none of the hurry which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality.There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parent;therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no'juvenile delinquency'.No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to'buy'an education for his child.






9.Lesson 34 Adolescence(青春期)

Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed. They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends'parents.Such a loss of dignity and descent into childish behaviour on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, and make them resolve that in future they will not talk to their parents about the places or people they visit.Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so secretive and never tells them anything, but they seldom realize that they have brought this on themselves.

Disillusionment with the parents, however good and adequate they may be both as parents and as individuals, is to some degree inevitable. Most children have such a high ideal of their parents, unless the parents themselves have been unsatisfactory, that it can hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation.Parents would be greatly surprised and deeply touched if they realized how much belief their children usually have in their character and infallibility, and how much this faith means to a child.If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that itwas a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.

The adolescent, with his passion for sincerity, always respects a parent who admits that he is wrong, or ignorant, or even that he has been unfair or unjust. What the child cannot forgive is the parent's refusal to admit these charges if the child knows them to be true.

Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian attitude;in fact they did nothing of the kind, but children were then too cowed to let them know how they really felt. Today we tend to go to the other extreme, but on the whole this is a healthier attitude both for the child and the parent.It is always wiser and safer to face up to reality, however painful it may be at the moment.






10.Lesson 36 The cost of government(政府的开支)

If a nation is essentially disunited, it is left to the government to hold it together. This increases the expense of government, and reduces correspondingly the amount of economic resources that could be used for developing the country.And it should not be forgotten how small those resources are in a poor and backward country.Where the cost ofgovernment is high, resources for development are correspondingly low.

This may be illustrated by comparing the position of a nation with that of a private business enterprise. An enterprise has to incur certain costs and expenses in order to stay in business.For our purposes, we are concerned only with one kind of cost—the cost of managing and administering the business.Such administrative overheads in a business are analogous to the cost of government in a nation.The administrative overheads of a business are low to the extent that everyone working in the business can be trusted to behave in a way that best promotes the interests of the firm.If they can each be trusted to take such responsibilities.and to exercise such initiative as falls within their sphere, then administrative overheads will be low.It will be low because it will be necessary to have only one man looking after each job, without having another man to check upon what he is doing, keep him in line, and report on him to someone else.But if no one can be trusted to act in a loyal and responsible manner towards his job, then the business will require armies of administrators, checkers, and foremen and administrative overheads will rise correspondingly.As administrative overheads rise, so the earnings of the business after meeting he expense of administration, will fall;and the business will have less money to distribute as dividends or invest directly in its future progress and development.

It is precisely the same with a nation. To the extent that the people can be relied upon to behave in a loyal and responsible manner, thegovernment does not require armies of police and civil servants to keep them in order.But if a nation is disunited, the government cannot be sure that the actions of the people will be in the interests of the nation;and it will have to watch, check, and control the people accordingly.A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government.





