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时间:2023-02-18 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:但是,市民们却一直遭受着老鼠的困扰。老百姓的呼声吓得市政府官员们浑身发抖,非常狼狈。这个人来到会议桌前,说:“我有法术能将对人类有害的动物制伏,人们都叫我花衣吹笛人。如果我为你们灭鼠成功,你们可以付给我一千块钱吗?”大老鼠、小老鼠,黑老鼠、灰老鼠,强壮的、精瘦的,各种各样的老鼠都跑了出来,它们竖起胡子,翘起尾巴,跟在吹笛人的身后。And so, the Pied Piper came to the main street, rubbed his lips and started to play his pipe. A wonderful sound floated out from the bore of the pipe. After a






The Pied Piper


Once upon a time, there was a small town in Germany called Hamlin. To one side of the town flowed the clear Weser river.

The citizens of this town were constantly troubled by rats. The rats here were most formidable. They ate the cheese from its vat and ate the salted fish from the keg. They bit the children in their cradles, making them cry and even attacked cats and dogs.

Finally, the citizens could bear this no longer. They assembled outside the city hall and hurled insults at the city officials, "You are all idiots. You can't even rid us of these rats! If you don't think of a solution soon, we will send you packing." cried the citizens. The city officials trembled all over. They were in a real state.






And so, the mayor and the city officials held ameeting. Everyone sat numbly for a whole hour, butno-one could think of a solution. Finally, the mayorbroke the silence. He said, "I've scratched my scalpraw, but still can't think of a solution. Why don't wesell our clothes and buy some mouse traps." Justas he was talking, there was a tap at the door. "Ah!Could it really be that the rats have come again?"everyone cried.

However, the man who came in was a gypsy. Hewas wearing a long coat, half red, half yellow. Hewas very tall and very slim. His skin was dark andhis blue eyes shone with a clever glint. The smile onhis lips was most mysterious.

The man came up to the meeting table and said,"I have a spell that can subdue all animals that area threat to men. Everyone calls me the Pied Piper.If I can rid your town of rats, will you pay me onethousand pounds?" "One thousand? That's far toocheap! For this we would pay you fifty thousand!"exclaimed the mayor and the city officials.



And so, the Pied Piper came to the main street, rubbed his lips and started to play his pipe. A wonderful sound floated out from the bore of the pipe. After a while, a thundering sound echoed through the streets. It was almost as if an army was marching. It was the rats, no less, running out from the houses. Big rats, small rats, black rats, grey rats, brawny rats, lean rats, and all sorts of other rats came running out. They pricked their whiskers, twitched their tails and followed behind the Pied Piper. The Pied Piper walked slowly forward and the rats followed close behind, dancing as they went. The Pied Piper walked to the Weser river, and the rats, regardless of their own safety, plunged into the river. As a result, they all drowned!









The citizens of Hamlin all walked onto the streets, and cheered in victory. The Pied Piper walked before the mayor and said, "Please pay me my one thousand pounds!"

"What? One thousand pounds? That's too much!" cried the mayor and the city officials, "My friend, just now, we were only joking with you. We really can't afford one thousand pounds. We will give you fifty pounds."

The Pied Piper's face fell and said in a low voice, "I am not joking. Pay me the money, and quickly, otherwise I will play another tune."

"What is that? You filthy musician. How dare you threaten me?" said the mayor, "I am not afraid. Blow your pipe, blow until your lungs ache."






Sure enough, the Pied Piper walked onto the main street and started to play another tune, just as moving and beautiful as the first. After a short while, the sound of an army marching echoed through the streets. It was the children from every family, no less, who had ran out from their homes. They happily pushed, shoved and cried out together, following the wonderful sound of the pipe.

They emerged from the city and marched towards a mountain. When they had climbed half way up the mountain, a wondrous portal opened wide. The Pied Piper walked in, and the children followed. When they had all entered, the portal shut tightly.


The mayor regretted not paying the Pied Piper, but it was too late. He searched everywhere for news of the Pied Piper. He told everyone that if the Pied Piper would only bring the children back, he would give him all the riches he should want. However, after several years, he still had not found the whereabouts of the Pied Piper. Latterly, the citizens called the main street where the Pied Piper had played his pipe "Pied Piper Main Street", and this story was inscribed on a stone pillar. If you go to Hamlin city in Germany now, you can still read this story on the stone pillar.



formidable adj.可怕的

filthy adj.肮脏的

echoed v.随声附和(echo的过去时)

whereabouts n.下落

