首页 理论教育 欧莱雅第四轮面试流程及面试经历


时间:2023-02-28 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第四轮面试我没有底,我只做我能做的:其一,准备好各种例子;其二,准备好对碧欧泉及其各线产品的理解;其三,关注碧欧泉网上社区及微博动向。我心想都写了MKT那应该是问具体部门,于是我答了一个。面试前我就知道第四轮面试官他是法国人,于是进去握手就说:Je suis tres contente de faire votre connaissance。他问了为什么喜欢这个法国企业,为什么是欧莱雅,我回答了。




欧莱雅第四轮面试形式依然是一对一,面试官由更高级别的VP(Vice President)担任。





我们没有讨论简历,没有讨论产品。我记得他问我你想做什么?我心想都写了MKT那应该是问具体部门,于是我答了一个。他皱眉继续道,你有过Sales经验么?我囧,没有。于是他一脸困惑地问我:“你的简历写的是MT,但是你又回答我××,我以为你想做Sales。所以No Sales?”我傻了,按着中文的思路说:“No,我觉得Sales的经验于MKT也很必要,但还是要看欧莱雅从更专业的角度看我的个性合哪就摆哪吧。”第一没个性且含混,第二用语错误。



面试前我就知道第四轮面试官他是法国人,于是进去握手就说:Je suis tres contente de faire votre connaissance。他惊讶得都不知道说什么了好像:Vous parlez francais?(你说法语?)我说:Oui, j’ai commence a apprendre la langue depuis le mois de septembre。(我从九月份开始学法语)。他说:vous parlez bien francais。(你法语说得很好。)我暗喜了一下。

但是面试还是英语的,他说Ok, Why do you enter L’oreal?我就说了一通。然后他问:You speak Cantoness? I told him that I was in HK for one semester, and I learn Cantoness there. I came from Zhejiang.他又问我是不是还会说方言?我说是,但是基本不太说,他看起来对于中国的文化很有兴趣,面试官很年轻,很高。他问了为什么喜欢这个法国企业,为什么是欧莱雅,我回答了。

面试官问:What is your professional plan? I said that I hope I can find the company that I like, and work in it for 3 or 4 years, and than, I hope if there is opportunity, I can have a chance to go abroad to further my education. And I would like to be a manager or the person who takes responsibility.

面试官接着问我:Why do you want to be a leader? I had always be a leader through my student life.我说了我从初中开始做学生会工作、团委工作等等,他听得很赞叹。

最后面试官问我:Do you have any questions? I said that actually I don’t have any question, but I would like to say something. I have a French teacher now. And weeks ago, I tell her that I am going to have the interview with L’oreal, so I am not able to attend her class. And she is really happy to hear that and wishes me success. I feel that L’oreal is something that can relate everyone in the world together, because everyone is pursuing beauty. And during the days I am waiting for the telephone from the L’oreal, every time she meets me, she will ask me “Have you got the news of L’oreal?” (And of course she asked me in French.) And that’s just what I want to tell you and thank you so much for listening.

然后面试官说:Great.最后说:Ok, that’s all for today, and basically there’s no problem, because I only meet with selected candidate. And goodbye now.他站起来开门送我的时候又说了一句:It really impresses me that you speak very good French.我说谢谢。



