首页 理论教育 电子政务公共服务研究综述


时间:2023-03-04 理论教育 版权反馈


颜 海 汲宇华 朱群俊


【摘 要】基于万方数据库和中国知网,对我国近十年来有关电子政务公共服务领域的研究成果按照基本问题阐释、体系构建、实践探索、国际经验、策略探寻、绩效评估、路径选择以及未来发展等8个主题进行了全面、系统的综合评述,以期为我国电子政务公共服务的深入研究提供参考。

【关键词】电子政务 公共服务 综述

The Reviewof Public Services of E-government

Yan Hai JiYuhua Zhu Qunjun

(School of Information Management,Wuhan University)

【Abstract】Based on Wanfang Data and CNKI,this paper systematically and comprehensively summarizes the research results of the public services of E-government in recent ten years in China according to the eight subjects,including the illustration of the essential questions,the system construction,the practice exploration,the international experience,the strategy searching,the performance appraisal,the route selection and the future development.And this can provide references for further studying of the public services ofE-government in China.

【Keywords】E-government public services review


