首页 理论教育 近十年来我国档案学界知识管理研究进展


时间:2023-03-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:近十年来我国档案学界知识管理研究进展——基于13种档案学核心期刊的分析张晓娟 左田原本文旨在探讨近十年来我国档案学界知识管理研究的发展状况。



张晓娟 左田原


【摘 要】本文旨在探讨近十年来我国档案学界知识管理研究的发展状况。笔者将我国档案学界在这一阶段对于知识管理的探索划分为引入阶段、理念形成阶段和全面展开阶段,并分为五大研究内容,即档案基础理论与知识管理、档案管理与知识管理、档案馆与知识管理、企业档案与知识管理和高校档案与知识管理来介绍其进展,由此对我国档案学界知识管理研究的发展进程进行总结与分析,以期梳理研究成果,发现研究问题,探寻我国档案学界知识管理研究的新方向,充实我国档案学界知识管理的研究。

【关键词】档案学 档案管理 知识管理

Academic Research in the Impact of Knowledge Management on Archical Studies in the Last 10 Years

—an Analysis Based on 13 Core Archival Journals of China

Zhang Xiaojuan Zuo Tianyuan

(School of Information Management,Wuhan University)

【Abstract】This paper discusses the development of academicresearch on how the Knowledge Management(KM)has been influencing the archival studies in China based on the statistics and analysis of the papers on this topic which were published in 13 core journals of archival studies in China since 1997.On the basis of the above analysis,three stages,namely,the introduction of KM,the formation of KM idea,and comprehensive research of KM in archival academic studies,were proposed.Further,in each of the above stages,the research outcomes have been categorized,organized and discussed as Archival Foundational Theories and KM,Archival Management and KM,Archives(as an institution)and KM,Enterprise Archives and KM,and University Archives and KM.The authors also makes their suggestions on the future KMresearch in the context of archival studies.【

Keywords】archival science archivalmanagement knowledge management

