武汉大学信息管理学院档案与政务信息学系 武汉 430072
On the Latest Years Study on Archival Management
Xiao Qiuhui
School of Information Management,Wuhan University,Wuhan,P.R.China,430072
【Abstract】The research progress on Archival Management Science has been made in recent years on three fields.First,theoretical analysisin the structure and function of Archival Management Science has been made and the rediscovering of provenance principle has been discussed in the recent years.At the same time,the theory paradigm tools were inducted.Second,in the field of archival arrangement and methodology,archives and records appraisal methods was innovated and explored. Finally,the research on the management of specialized archives(including science and technique archive management)got new progress.
【Key words】archivalmanagement principle of provenance archival arrangementarchival appraisalspecialized archivesscience and technique archive management