首页 理论教育 双语及双语教学的定义


时间:2023-03-04 理论教育 版权反馈



“双语”的英文书写是“Bilingual”,直接意思就是“Two languages”(两种语言),是指在某个国家或某个地区两个(或两个以上)民族同时存在,并存在两种以上文化历史背景条件下,可能或必须运用两种语言进行交流的情景。这两种语言,通常有一种是母语或者本族语,而另一种语言往往是后天习得的第二种语言或者是外国语。在很多国家或者地区,政府规定的官方语言有两种甚至更多。在这种情况下,为了交往的方便,往往两种语言并重,即Bilingual,或者一种语言为主一种语言为次。英国著名的朗曼出版社出版的《朗曼应用语言学词典》对“Bilingual”的定义是:

A Person whoknows and uset wolanguages.

In every use the world bilingual usually means a Person who speaks,reads,or understands two languages equally well(a balanced bilingual),but a bilingual Person usuallyhas a better knowledge ofone language than ofthe other.

a)Be able toread and write in onlyone language.

b)Use each language in different tyPes of situation,eg,one language at home and the other at work.

c)Use each language in different communicative purposes,eg.one language for talkingabout school life and the other for talkingabout Personal feeling.




The use of second or foreign language in school for the teaching of content subjects.

Bilingual edueation programs maybe ofdiffereni types and include:

a)The use ofa single school language which is not the child’s home language. This is some times called an immersion program.

b)The use ofthe child’s home language when the child enters school language for teaching some subjects and the home language for teaching others.This is some times called maintenance bilingual edueation.

c)The partial or total use of the child’s home language when the child enters school,and a later change to the use of the school language only.This is sometimes called transitional bilingual edueation.



