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缉毒               缉毒部

缉私               财政部

人口贩卖             内政部

有害物质控制           港口运输部

调查营救             港口运输部

生物资源保护           食品农业部

环境保护             环境部

非生物资源保护          科技部/石油自然资源部

外国渔民遣返           外交部/内政部

海军力量预备队          国防部


[1]According to the last census held in 1998,Pakistan’s population was 132.5 million.However,as per UNDP and independentestimates,the population of the country has exceeded 180 million.

[2]The Nation(Islamabad),May 07,2009.Issue of extension of Continental Shelfwas submitted in UN in May 2009.The UN Commission on the Limits of Continental Shelf has principally approved the case,and forwarded it to a sub-commission for detailed technical scrutiny.

[3]Preface to the Proceedings of the Conference on the Arabian Sea:Living Marine Resources&the Environment(Karachi:National Institute of Oceanography,June 1993).

[4]Ali Tabrez,Director General National Institute of Oceanography,in discussion with the author,Karachi,March 5,2012.

[5]Ather Ali Khan et al.,“Non-Living Marine Resource Prospects of Pakistan Exclusive Economic Zone”,in Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Utilization of Marine Resources(Karachi:National Institute of Oceanography,2004),201-202.

[6]Ather Ali Khan et al.,“Non-Living Marine Resource Prospects of Pakistan Exclusive Economic Zone”,in Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Utilization of Marine Resources(Karachi:National Institute of Oceanography,2004),201-202.

[7]Qamar Raza and Muhammad Wasim,“Marine Fisheries Resources and their Sustainable Development”,in Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Utilization of Marine Resources,94.

[8]Paul Fanning,et al.,“Surveys of the Offshore Fisheries Resources of Pakistan-2010”(Karachi:United Nations Food&Agriculture Organization,2011),FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No.1065.

[9]Niaz Rizvi et al.,“Marine Resource Potential of the Coastal Zone and their Exploitation Levels in Pakistan”,in Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Utilization of Marine Resources,91.

[10]Khalid Amin Cdre et al.,Pakistan’s Exclusive Economic Zone:Prospects and Challenges,Group Research Paper,(Islamabad:National Defence University,2006),14.

[11]Qureshi,M.R.,1961 quoted in Muzammil Ahmed,Marine Fisheries of Pakistan(Karachi:Centre of Excellence in Marine Biology,University of Karachi,1985),1.

[12]Handbook of Fisheries Statistics(Karachi:Marine Fisheries Department,2009),75.The canning plants were designed for small size shrimps,but gradually closed down for not being cost effective.

[13]Data received from DGMarine Fisheries Department(MFD),April1,2012.

[14]Shaukat Hussain,DG Marine Fisheries Department,in discussion with the author,Karachi,March 5,2012.

[15]United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific,Coastal Environmental Management Plan for Pakistan(New York:United Nations,1996),105-124.

[16]Khalid Amin et al.,Pakistan’s Exclusive Economic Zone,17.However,the figures seem overoptimistic.


[18]Muzammil Ahmed,Marine Fisheries of Pakistan,10-11.

[19]Data received from DG MFD.

[20]Hamid Badr,MFD,in discussion with the author,Karachi,March 5,2012.

[21]For details see,Muzammil Ahmed,Marine Fisheries of Pakistan,5-9.

[22]Shaukat Hussain,in discussion with the author.

[23]UN Commission,Coastal Environmental Management Plan,86-96.

[24]S.M.Saifullah,“Utilization of Mangrove Resources in Pakistan”,in proceedings of Utilization of Marine Resources,148-149.

[25]Snedaker,S.C.,“Mangroves:A Summary of Knowledge with emphasis on Pakistan”,Marine Geology and Oceanography of Arabian Sea and Coastal Pakistan(New York:Van Nostrand Reinhold Company,1984)quoted in Khalid Amin et al.,21.

[26]Hina Saeed et al.,“Sea weed Resources of Pakistan”,in Utilization of Marine Resources,159-165.

[27]Khalid Amin et al.,Pakistan’s Exclusive Economic Zone,24.

[28]Hina Saeed et al.,“Sea weed Resources”,164.

[29]Ather Ali et al.,“Non-Living Marine Resource”,201.

[30]“Pakistan and Offshore Energy Exploration”,http://viewstonews.com/index.php/pakistan-and-offshore-energy-exploration/pakistan,accessed on April 10,2012.

[31]Sher Muhammad Khan,DG Petroleum Concessions,in discussion with the author,Islamabad,April 9,2012.

[32]“Pakistan and Offshore Energy Exploration”.

[33]Gul Munir Ghumro,Director Exploration,Ministry of Petroleum&Natural Resources,in discussion with the author,Islamabad,April12,2012.Also see Petroleum Exploration and Production Policy 2009,1,2,40.

[34]According to www.marisec.com the shipping industry transported an estimated 7.7 billion tonnes of cargo in 2008.

[35]Sheikh Mohammad Iqbal,“The Significance of Shipping”,Dawn Oct 17,2004.

[36]Iqbal Bajwa,Pakistan Mercantile Marine Neglected Sector-Policy Options for Pakistan,Individual Research Paper(Islamabad:National Defence University,2004),9.

[37]Iftikhar Malik,Pakistan National Shipping Corporation,e-mailmessage to author,May 2012.

[38]Haroon Ibin Ali,Uncharted Waters:A Journey Through Living History(London:Avon Books,1998),155.

[39]Haroon Ibin Ali,Uncharted Waters:A Journey Through Living History(London:Avon Books,1998),158.

[40]S.M.Obaidullah,e-mailmessage to author,May 2012 and Bajwa,Pakistan Mercantile Marine,10.

[41]Haroon Ibin Ali,Uncharted Waters,165.

[42]Mohammad Iqbal,“The Significance of Shipping”.

[43]Bajwa,Pakistan Mercantile Marine,10.

[44]Anwar Shah and Iftikhar Malik,e-mailmessages to author,May 2012.

[45]Masood Alam,“Decline of Investment in Ports and Shipping by Pakistan Entrepreneurs”,Mariner(June 2000),38.

[46]Anwar Shah,former DG Ports&Shipping,e-mailmessage to author,May 2012,and Shakil Naz,GM(Submarine Construction)Karachi Shipyard&EnggWorks Ltd,presentation to Maritime Industry Task Force(Dec 2009).

[47]Rahat Qaseem,“Decline of Shipping in Port and Shipping Sector by Pakistan Entrepreneur”,PIMA Magazine,(June 2000).

[48]Iftikhar Malik,e-mailmessage to author.

[49]S.T.H.Naqvi,Chairman PNSC,“Role&Development of PNSC”,Paper presented at PNWar College(Karachi:October 10,2003).

[50]Obaidullah,e-mailmessage to the author.

[51]Azhar Hussain,MD KS&EW,Presentation to Prime Minister(November 13,2003).

[52]Information retrieved from officialwebsite of KS&EW on May 9,2012.


[54]Haleem A.Siddiqui,Chairman Task Force,Prime Minister Task Force Report on Ports and Shipping,45.

[55]http://www.flickr.com/photos/tree_elf/5422696495/accessed on April 17,2012.

[56]Intizar Mehdi,“Taxability of Pakistani Seamen Serving Onboard Foreign Flag Ships”,Mariner(June 2000),18.

[57]James Bird,Seaports and Seaport Terminals(London:Hutchinson&Co,1971),13.

[58]A.K.C.Beresford et al.,“The UNCTAD and WORKPORT Models of Port Development:Evolution or Revolution?”Maritime Policy&Management 31,no.2(April-June 2004),94.

[59]Rabnawaz,“Maritime Strategy in Pakistan”,43 and Abdul Rehman,KPT,e-mailmessage to the author,May 18,2012.

[60]Dawn(Karachi),July 29,2004.

[61]http://www.pakistanpaedia.com/mega/ports.html accessed on February 9,2012.

[62]Rabnawaz,“Maritime Strategy in Pakistan”,43.

[63]The News International(Islamabad),April 15,2012.


[65]Sheikh Javaid,“Gwadar:The Dream City of South Asia,”Pakistan and Gulf Economist,July 9-15,2001.Also see Aamna Syed,“The Population of Karachi has Doubled in 15 Years”,The Express Tribune,January 13,2014.

[66]Pak Tribune,October 3,2004,http://www.paktribune.com/news/index.php?id=79349.

[67]Abdul Raziq Durrani,DG Operations,Gwadar Port Authority,e-mailmessage to the author,February 4,2013.


[69]Recommendations of the Maritime Industry Task Force,June 2009.

[70]Babar Bilal,Pakistan’sMaritime Assets,Individual Research Paper(Islamabad:National Defence University,2006),10.

[71]The claim is not substantiated by any historical record.

[72]http://www.pakistanpaedia.com/mega/ports.html,accessed on February 9,2012.

[73]Ibin Ali,Uncharted Waters,56.Also see PN History Cell,Story of Pakistan Navy(1947-1972)(Karachi:Elite Publishers,1991),48.

[74]Sentinels of the Sea:The Pakistan Navy PR Directorate,Naval Headquarters(1947-1997)(Islamabad:Barqsons,1997),11.

[75]Ibin Ali,Uncharted Waters,56-58.

[76]Story of Pakistan Navy,59,164.


[78]Sentinels of the Sea,18.

[79]Cheema,Pakistan’s Defence Policy,2.


[81]Sentinels of the Sea,79.

[82]Rabnawaz,“Maritime Strategy”,75.

[83]Sentinels of the Sea,79.

[84]Pakistan Navy official website,http://www.paknavy.gov.pk/destroyer.htm,accessed on March 15,2012.

[85]Sentinels of the Sea,81-83.

[86]Muhammad Asif Sandila,Chief of the Naval Staff,in discussion with the author,Islamabad:March 12,2013.

[87]Pakistan Maritime Security Agency Act,1994,section II(1)(iii).

[88]Narcotics Substances Act,1997,under section 22,23,37(ii)&38.

[89]Federal Government SRO No.42(I)/2014 and SRO No.43(I)/2014,dated January 20,2014.

[90]Federal Government SRO 346(KE)/1991 dated October26,1991 and Pakistan Maritime Security Agency Act,1994,section II(1)(i).

[91]Federal Government SRO 44(KE)/92 dated January 28,1992 and Pakistan Maritime Security Agency Act,1994,section II(1)(ii).

[92]PMSA OfficialWebsite www.msa.org.pk accessed on September 16,2014.

[93]Data is collated from the DG PMSA address at Pakistan Navy War College(PNWC)(Lahore,December 26,2012)and officialwebsite of PMSA.

[94]DG PMSA e-mailmessage to author,September 17,2014.


